Hidden between the trees inside of Húsavík’s park are several heritage wooden homes. One of them is called Bali, built in 1921. Further up, there is one called Vilpa. The Vilpa was one of six outlying farms under the Vicarage of Húsavík and the name indicated that the soil there is moist. Karl Einarsson, the first honorary citizen of Húsavík, grew up there.
Following the path across Húsavík park at the banks of the ditch are the remains of a sheep shed and barn owned by Karl Einarsson. Nowadays still standing is a house called Kvíabekkur, which was partially built in turf in 1893 by Baldína Hallgrímsdóttir and her husband Jósep Kristjánsson. The remains of the house can still be seen behind the house which stands there now. Kvíabekkur is no longer inhabited, but has been restored in the past years. The newly built wooden houses stand on the remains of the old turf houses. Slowly but steady the old farm is being restored.