Spirit North Guesthouse offers four double/twin bedrooms with access to a small Yoga Shala, where guests can relax and enjoy scheduled or private yoga classes or relaxation (upon req). The decor is warm and bright and atmosphere relaxed and friendly. Spirit North is a slow-travel concept, so anyone looking for a relaxed and authentic experience will not be disappointed.
The serene and beautiful Húsavík Gardens are in a few minutes walking distance and the town center only 5-10 minutes away by foot.

4 double/twin bedrooms, shared bathroom, wifi, breakfast, yoga and meditation courses for groups and individuals, access to meditation and yoga shala, whole year operated

Spirit North
Garðarsbraut 39
640 Húsavík
GPS: 66°02’32.9″N 17°20’22.4″W
Tel: +354 830 2999
E-mail: info (at) spiritnorth.is
Website: www.spiritnorth.is
Facebookpage: www.facebook.com/spirirtnorth.is
Bookable via: www.spiritnorth.is, booking.com, airbnb.com