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For centuries, the geothermal heat north of Húsavík has been known to residents, who have utilized it for bathing and washing. Drilling for hot water at Húsavíkurhöfði in the mid-20th century revealed water that turned out to be hot seawater, too rich in minerals to be suitable for heating houses.

The water in the GeoSea sea baths comes from two drill-holes. There is no need to use any cleaning agents or equipment, as the steady flow of water from the drill-holes, between the pools, over their edges and into the sea ensures that the water stays within the limits stipulated by health regulations. Those suffering from skin conditions such as psoriasis have found relief by bathing in the water, which is at an optimal temperature of 38°-39°C.


GeoSea sea bath is a great spot to watch sunsets at Skjálfandi Bay © Gaukur Hjartarson
GeoSea sea bath is a great spot to watch sunsets at Skjálfandi Bay © Gaukur Hjartarson

GeoSea sea baths enables you to enjoy nature in a unique manner. Thanks to the underground heat, the seawater in the baths is warm and comfortable and the mineral-rich water will caress your skin. While the warm sea works its miracles, you can enjoy the view of the mountain range to the west, Skjálfandi Bay beneath the cliffs and the Arctic Circle itself on the horizon.

Due to the great popularity and limited number of guests per day it is strongly recommended to reserve the visit in advance online.


possible to rent towel, swimsuit and bathrobe, soap and shampoo provided, refreshments, wheelchair accessible, wifi, opening hours


Vitaslóð 1
640 Húsavík
GPS: 66°03’08.4″N 17°21’43.1″W
Tel: +354 464 1210
E-mail: geosea (at)
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