Salka is a family owned company. The family has years of experience in the tourist business: running restaurants since 1997 and Salka whale watching since 2012. The captains are expert fishermen and whale watching captains, so they know their ways on boats and how to steer them pleasantly across the sea and around the animals.
The goal is to give every passenger complete comfortable on board, allowing them to enjoy the wildlife, while nature is impacted as little as possible. Salka pays strong attention to a sustainable whale watching.

whale watching on oak boats, puffin tours

Salka Whale Watching
Garðarsbraut 6
640 Húsavík
GPS: 66°02’48.9″N 17°20’37.3″W
Tel: +354 464 2551
E-mail: info (at) salkawhalewatching.is
Website: www.salkawhalewatching.is
Facebookpage: www.facebook.com/salka.whalewatching
Instagram: www.instagram.com/salkawhalewatching
Bookable via: www.salkawhalewatching.is