National Holiday
Skírdagur/ Maundy Thursday
National Holiday. Opening hours in shops and other services may change.
Föstudagurinn langi/ Good Friday
National Holiday. Opening hours in shops and other services may change.
Páskadagur/ Easter Sunday
National Holiday. Opening hours in shops and other services may change.
Annar í páskum/ Easter Monday
National Holiday. Opening hours in shops and other services may change.
Sumardagurinn fyrsti/ First day of Summer
National Holiday. Opening hours in shops and other services may change.
Verkalýðsdagurinn/ Labour Day
National Holiday. Opening hours in shops and other services may change.
Uppstigningardagur/ Ascension Day
National Holiday. Opening hours in shops and other services may change.
Hvítasunnudagur/ Whit Sunday
National Holiday. Opening hours in shops and other services may change.
Annar í Hvítasunnu/ Whit Monday
National Holiday. Opening hours in shops and other services may change.
17. júni Þjóðhátíðradagur/ Independence Day
Íþrottahöllin/ Sports Hall Stórigarður 8, Húsavík, Iceland08:00 Fánar dregnir að húni/ Flags raised 10:00 Ratleikur fyrir börn/ quiz for kids Mæting í íþróttahöll og farið um bæinn/ Gathering at the sports hall, quiz takes place all around town Aldursviðmið 6 - 12 ára, yngri í fylgd með fullorðnum - Tveir til fimm saman í liði - leikreglur kynntar á staðnum og… Read More »17. júni Þjóðhátíðradagur/ Independence Day
Frídagur Verslunarmanna/ Commerce Day
National Holiday. Opening hours in shops and other services may change.
Jóladagur Guðþjónusta/ Christmas Day Church Service
Jólahelgistund á Skógarbrekku kl. 13:15 Hátiðarguðsþjónusta í Miðhvammi kl. 14:00 Allir velkomnir! Kirkjukórinn syngur við undirleik Agnesar Gísladóttir. Christmas worship at Skogarbrekka at. 13:15 Christmas Church Service Miðhvammur at. 14:00 Everyone welcome! The church choir sings with Agnes Gísladóttir.
Annar í jólum/ Boxing Day
National Holiday. Opening hours in shops and other services may change.
National Day of Iceland
Íþróttavöllur Héðinsbraut 6, Húsavík, IcelandIceland's National Day, June 17, is celebrated every year to commemorate the establishment of a republic in Iceland in 1944. This year, the celebration will be very special as we celebrate the 80th anniversary of our independence all over Húsavík.