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RIB Speedboat Whale Watching

Whale watching in Skjálfandi Bay on a RIB speedboat is a whole new experience. Observing whales in their natural environment and seeing seabirds flying by in the scenic surrounding of the bay. The less crowded boats offer a more personal experience compared to traditional oak boats.

The type of RIB boats used for whale watching were designed for coast guards and are therefore very safe and stable in all kinds of weather. The increased speed allows these boats to cover larger distances in shorter time what increases the likeliness of finding whales. Usually the whale watching boats do not need to leave the bay in search for whales, but RIB boats can focus on larger species further out in the ocean. Despite the speed and power of RIB boats, their noise and impact on whales is minimal because they operate in a different frequency range than common boats.

Whale watching tours on RIB speedboats are available during summer month. Two providers offer the action packed tours: Gentle Giants Whale Watching and Húsavík Adventures. Check out their homepages for further details.