Spirit North is a small yoga studio in Húsavík offering yoga and meditation courses for individuals and groups as well as gong meditation. The courses can be indoor and outdoor. Gong meditation is a unique type of sound therapy and Spirit North performs it in unusual, yet tranquil settings such as on a sailing boat during a whale watching trip or at GeoSea sea bath. Spirit North aims at everybody who wants to slow down, open their mind to new experiences and take a step outside of the daily rat race. The studio also offers accommodation for slow-travellers.

yoga and meditation courses for groups and individuals, yoga nidra, kundalin yoga, sat nam rasayan, gong meditation, indoor and outdoor, whole year operated, wifi, accommodation

Spirit North
Garðarsbraut 39
640 Húsavík
GPS: 66°02’32.9″N 17°20’22.4″W
Tel: +354 830 2999
E-mail: info (at) spiritnorth.is
Website: www.spiritnorth.is
Facebookpage: www.facebook.com/spirirtnorth.is
Bookable via: www.spiritnorth.is, booking.com, airbnb.com