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Húsavíkurrétt/ Sheep Roundup at Húsavík

Héðinshöfði 2 Héðinshöfði 2, Húsavík, Iceland

Hraunsrétt sheep round-up © Húsavíkurstofa Around May, after the lamb are born and a few days rest, the sheep are spread around the country. This is done to ensure that each sheep has enough space and fodder for the next month. In summer they range completely free without any human interference and are free to… Read More »Húsavíkurrétt/ Sheep Roundup at Húsavík


Mánárrétt á Tjörnesi/ Mánár Sheep Roundup at Tjörnes

Mánárbakki Mánárbakki, Húsavík, Iceland

At some round-up several thousand sheep are gathered © Húsavíkurstofa Around May, after the lamb are born and a few days rest, the sheep are spread around the country. This is done to ensure that each sheep has enough space and fodder for the next month. In summer they range completely free without any human… Read More »Mánárrétt á Tjörnesi/ Mánár Sheep Roundup at Tjörnes


Hraunsrétt í Aðaldal/ Sheep Roundup at Aðaldal

Guesthouse Brekka Brekka, Húsavík, Iceland

Hraunsrétt sheep round-up © Húsavíkurstofa Sheep are integral to Iceland: some 800,000 roam the country, more than twice the human population, and they’ve sustained the island’s inhabitants for centuries. Best of all, they’re almost entirely free range. After lambing time in May, farmers turn their flocks loose to graze on the lush highland grasses and… Read More »Hraunsrétt í Aðaldal/ Sheep Roundup at Aðaldal


Víkingavatnsrétt í Kelduhverfi/ Víkingavatns sheep roundup

Vikingavatn Vikingavatn, Kópasker, Iceland

Flock of Leader Sheep © Forystusetur Sheep are integral to Iceland: some 800,000 roam the country, more than twice the human population, and they’ve sustained the island’s inhabitants for centuries. Best of all, they’re almost entirely free range. After lambing time in May, farmers turn their flocks loose to graze on the lush highland grasses… Read More »Víkingavatnsrétt í Kelduhverfi/ Víkingavatns sheep roundup


Frá mótun til muna – From earth to artefacts

Safnahúsið Húsavík Museum Stórigarður 17, Húsavík, Iceland

Welcome the exhibition "From shaping to remember" in the Museum House Húsavík.  Last fall, the exhibition was set up in the Árnesinga Art Museum in Hveragerði, with nine artists from all over the country. The group subsequently decided to disseminate this interesting knowledge of the diversity of this art to the public and make the… Read More »Frá mótun til muna – From earth to artefacts


Sorry, ég svaf hjá systur þinni/ Theater play

Samkomuhúsið/ Theater Húsavík Garðarsbraut 22, Húsavík, Iceland

Nemendur 10. bekkjar Borgarhólsskóla sýna "Sorry, ég svaf hjá systur þinni"   Föstudagur 27.sept kl. 17:30 Laugardagur 28. sept. kl. 14:00 Sunnudagur 29.sept. kl. 14:00 Mánudagur 30.sept. kl. 17:30 Miðvikudagur 2.okt. kl 17:30   Sýnt í Gamla Samkomuhúsinu, Likstjóri er Karen Erludóttir Miðaverð er aðeins .500 kr fyrir 6ára og eldri. Hægt að panta miða… Read More »Sorry, ég svaf hjá systur þinni/ Theater play


Hrútadagurinn á Raufarhöfn/ Ram Days at Raufarhöfn

Raufarhöfn Raufarhöfn, Iceland

Hrútadagurinn 2019 verður haldinn 5. október í Faxahöllinni á Raufarhöfn frá klukkan 14-18. Fjölbreytt og skemmtileg dagskrá fyrir alla fjölskylduna: Jón Þór Kristjánsson (fréttamaður með meiru) ætlar að leiða dagskrána. Sölubásar með ýmsan varning. Keppt verður um besta skrokkgæða lambhrút svæðisins. Farandbikar/Búvísbikar veittur um kvöldið fyrir besta hrútinn. Hvetjum bændur til að mæta með sinn… Read More »Hrútadagurinn á Raufarhöfn/ Ram Days at Raufarhöfn


Hrútadagsball/ Ram Days Ball

Raufarhöfn Raufarhöfn, Iceland

Það er komið að þessu !!!!! Hamrabandið er að koma á Raufarhöfn Ball með þessu eðal bandi á hrútadaginn þú lætur þig ekki vanta!!! Enda lofa þeir trylltum dansi frammá rauða nótt Aldurstakmark er 18 ára ballið byrjar kl 23:00 Hlökkum til að sjá þig!! Hrútadagsnefnd   _________________________________ The time has come! Hamrarbandið is coming… Read More »Hrútadagsball/ Ram Days Ball


5th Explorers Festival

Exploration Museum Héðinsbraut 3a, Húsavík, Iceland

The Exploration Museum welcomes explorers and adventurers from around the world to the 5th annual Explorers Festival. Events take place in Reykjavík, Akureyri, Húsavík and at Lake Mývatn from October 13 to October 19, 2019.   Sunday Oct 13: Lake Mývatn Pre-event: Leonardo Piccione:”Of Volcanoes and Men” at Lake Mývatn Tuesday Oct 15: Reykjavík –… Read More »5th Explorers Festival

Arctic Drone Iceland 24 HR DRONE \\\/// 6 HR YOGA

Fosshótel Húsavík Ketilsbraut 22, Húsavík, Iceland

24 HR DRONE \\\/// 6 HR YOGA A Seamless 24 hour sound and yoga event curated by Melissa Auf Der Maur, Nathan Larson, Bardi Johannsson. ARCTIC DRONE is an immersive art event and all-encompassing experience, inspired by international series, featuring musicians and sound artists experimenting within the spectrum of drone to create 24 hours of… Read More »Arctic Drone Iceland 24 HR DRONE \\\/// 6 HR YOGA

Konukvöld á Hvalbak/ Ladies Night at Hvalbakur

Café Hvalbakur Hafnarstétt 9, Húsavík, Iceland

LC 5 á Húsavík slær upp konukvöldi á Hvalbak 1. nóvember nk. Fordrykkur, léttar veitingar, tískusýning, trúbador, DJ, happdrætti, lukkuhjól, stuð og stemning. Miðaverð 3000 Nánari dagskrá auglýst fljótlega. Miðapantanir hjá Elvu LC 5 in Húsavík holds a ladie's night at Hvalbak on November 1st. Aperitif, light refreshments, fashion show, troubadour, DJ, lottery, scooter,… Read More »Konukvöld á Hvalbak/ Ladies Night at Hvalbakur


Piramus og Þispa: Helgin Framundan

Samkomuhúsið/ Theater Húsavík Garðarsbraut 22, Húsavík, Iceland

Piramus og Þispa setur upp leikritið HELGIN FRAMUNDAN leikstjóri er Jóhann Kristinn The theater group of the secondary school in Húsavík 'Piramus og Þispa' shows the play HELGIN FRAMUNDAN (The weekend ahead) by Jóhann Kristinn

Piramus og Þispa: Helgin Framundan

Samkomuhúsið/ Theater Húsavík Garðarsbraut 22, Húsavík, Iceland

Piramus og Þispa setur upp leikritið HELGIN FRAMUNDAN leikstjóri er Jóhann Kristinn The theater group of the secondary school in Húsavík ‘Piramus og Þispa’ shows the play HELGIN FRAMUNDAN (The weekend ahead) by Jóhann Kristinn

Piramus og Þispa: Helgin Framundan

Samkomuhúsið/ Theater Húsavík Garðarsbraut 22, Húsavík, Iceland

Piramus og Þispa setur upp leikritið HELGIN FRAMUNDAN leikstjóri er Jóhann Kristinn The theater group of the secondary school in Húsavík ‘Piramus og Þispa’ shows the play HELGIN FRAMUNDAN (The weekend ahead) by Jóhann Kristinn