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17. júni Þjóðhátíðradagur/ Independence Day

Íþrottahöllin/ Sports Hall Stórigarður 8, Húsavík, Iceland

08:00 Fánar dregnir að húni/ Flags raised 10:00 Ratleikur fyrir börn/ quiz for kids Mæting í íþróttahöll og farið um bæinn/ Gathering at the sports hall, quiz takes place all around town Aldursviðmið 6 - 12 ára, yngri í fylgd með fullorðnum - Tveir til fimm saman í liði - leikreglur kynntar á staðnum og… Read More »17. júni Þjóðhátíðradagur/ Independence Day


Hvaladagurinn/ Day of the Whale

  09:00 Upplýsingaskilti um hvali í Skjálfanda vígt fyrir ofan gömlu verbúðirnar/ New information board set up about whales opposite the church 10:00 - 13:00 Frítt í Hvalasafnið/ Free entrance to the Whale Museum 10:00 - 13:00 Ratleikur - þáttökublöð í afgreiðslu Hvalasafnsins./ Quiz 11:30 - 19:00 Gamli Baukur - Happy hour - 2 fyrir… Read More »Hvaladagurinn/ Day of the Whale


Bryggjutónleikar á Sólstöðuhátíð og ball/ Solstice Concert and dance

all around Kópasker Kópasker

Sólstöðuhátið Kópasker 2019 Legó stendur fyrir bryggjutónleikum og balli á Sólstöðuhátíðinni á Kópaskeri. Ýmsir tónlistarmenn munu stíga á svið, bæði heimamenn og gestir. Sérstakir gestir verða Kristján Kristjánsson(KK) og Páll Rósinkranz. Hljómsveitin Legó heldur svo þrusu ball í íþróttahúsinu að tónleikunum loknum. Aðgangseyrir á ballið: 2.500 kr   Several musicians will perform at the Solstice… Read More »Bryggjutónleikar á Sólstöðuhátíð og ball/ Solstice Concert and dance


For the Love of Whales

Hvalasafnið Hafnarstétt 1, Húsavík , Iceland

WEDNESDAY, JULY 17TH. 8-11 PM. BYOB Unique and diverse, Húsavík is home to a community united by a passion for whales. To celebrate this connection, the Húsavík Whale Museum has invited members of this community to share their thoughts, feelings and expertise on anything and everything whale-related. Short talks will range from discussing their guiding… Read More »For the Love of Whales


Mærudagar/ Candy Days

All around town Húsavík, Iceland

Almost every town in Iceland has a special day or weekend, and Húsavík is no exception.  The town’s festival is called Mærudagar, which means Candy Days, and it is held the last weekend in July as a time for everyone to come together and enjoy Húsavík. The town is divided into 3 districts: Pink, Orange,… Read More »Mærudagar/ Candy Days

Druslugangan/ Slut Walk

/ English Below // Kæru druslur nær og fjær! Þann 27. júlí klukkan 14:00 verður Druslugangan gengin í níunda sinn frá Hallgrímskirkju! Og í ár verður hún gengin í fyrsta sinn á Húsavík! Hist verður hjá sundlauginni kl. 13:00 laugardaginn 27. júli í druslupepp og hefst gangan á slaginu 14:00! Gengið verður að Borgarhólsskóla þar… Read More »Druslugangan/ Slut Walk


Á móti straumnum með Veigu Grétarsdóttur/ Against the Current with Veiga Grétarsdóttir

Hvalasafnið Hafnarstétt 1, Húsavík , Iceland

Veiga Grétarsdóttir, kajakræðari og transkona frá Ísafirði rær nú hringinn í kringum Ísland á kajak og safnar áheitum fyrir Píeta samtökin. Samtökin sinna forvarnarstarfi gegn sjálfsvígum og sjálfsskaða og styðja við aðstandendur. Róðurinn hófst 14. maí á Ísafirði og gera má ráð fyrir að hann taki tvo til fjóra mánuði en áætluð vegalengd er rúmlega… Read More »Á móti straumnum með Veigu Grétarsdóttur/ Against the Current with Veiga Grétarsdóttir


Tungugerðisrétt á Tjörnesi/ Tungugerði sheep roundup at Tjörnes

Steindalur Steindalur, Húsavík, Iceland

Leader Sheep leading a flock of sheep © Forystusetur Around May, after the lamb are born and a few days rest, the sheep are spread around the country. This is done to ensure that each sheep has enough space and fodder for the next month. In summer they range completely free without any human interference… Read More »Tungugerðisrétt á Tjörnesi/ Tungugerði sheep roundup at Tjörnes


Húsavíkurrétt/ Sheep Roundup at Húsavík

Héðinshöfði 2 Héðinshöfði 2, Húsavík, Iceland

Hraunsrétt sheep round-up © Húsavíkurstofa Around May, after the lamb are born and a few days rest, the sheep are spread around the country. This is done to ensure that each sheep has enough space and fodder for the next month. In summer they range completely free without any human interference and are free to… Read More »Húsavíkurrétt/ Sheep Roundup at Húsavík


Mánárrétt á Tjörnesi/ Mánár Sheep Roundup at Tjörnes

Mánárbakki Mánárbakki, Húsavík, Iceland

At some round-up several thousand sheep are gathered © Húsavíkurstofa Around May, after the lamb are born and a few days rest, the sheep are spread around the country. This is done to ensure that each sheep has enough space and fodder for the next month. In summer they range completely free without any human… Read More »Mánárrétt á Tjörnesi/ Mánár Sheep Roundup at Tjörnes


Hraunsrétt í Aðaldal/ Sheep Roundup at Aðaldal

Guesthouse Brekka Brekka, Húsavík, Iceland

Hraunsrétt sheep round-up © Húsavíkurstofa Sheep are integral to Iceland: some 800,000 roam the country, more than twice the human population, and they’ve sustained the island’s inhabitants for centuries. Best of all, they’re almost entirely free range. After lambing time in May, farmers turn their flocks loose to graze on the lush highland grasses and… Read More »Hraunsrétt í Aðaldal/ Sheep Roundup at Aðaldal


Víkingavatnsrétt í Kelduhverfi/ Víkingavatns sheep roundup

Vikingavatn Vikingavatn, Kópasker, Iceland

Flock of Leader Sheep © Forystusetur Sheep are integral to Iceland: some 800,000 roam the country, more than twice the human population, and they’ve sustained the island’s inhabitants for centuries. Best of all, they’re almost entirely free range. After lambing time in May, farmers turn their flocks loose to graze on the lush highland grasses… Read More »Víkingavatnsrétt í Kelduhverfi/ Víkingavatns sheep roundup


Frá mótun til muna – From earth to artefacts

Safnahúsið Húsavík Museum Stórigarður 17, Húsavík, Iceland

Welcome the exhibition "From shaping to remember" in the Museum House Húsavík.  Last fall, the exhibition was set up in the Árnesinga Art Museum in Hveragerði, with nine artists from all over the country. The group subsequently decided to disseminate this interesting knowledge of the diversity of this art to the public and make the… Read More »Frá mótun til muna – From earth to artefacts
