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Mærudagar/ Candy Days
24/07/2019 - 28/07/2019
Almost every town in Iceland has a special day or weekend, and Húsavík is no exception. The town’s festival is called Mærudagar, which means Candy Days, and it is held the last weekend in July as a time for everyone to come together and enjoy Húsavík.
The town is divided into 3 districts: Pink, Orange, and Green, and people decorates houses, businesses, light posts and themselves in their colors. The population more than doubles during the festival, as many people who have moved away pick this weekend to come back for a visit, and the whole town is buzzing with life.
During Mærudagar, there is something for everyone: art exhibitions, open-air theatre performances for kids of all ages, a parade, a golf tournament, a market and a small carnival at the harbor, the shops & restaurants are open longer, and there is live music all over town.
In the evening, the harbor fills with people enjoying the music and meeting old and new friends.
Below is the program in English
Program 2019
Every day 26.-28.July
10-18:00 EXHIBITION GELLUR SEM MÁLA Í BÍLSKÚR at the museum house (Stórigarði 17)
14-18:00 ART EXHIBITION OF INGVAR ÞORVALDSSON at Hlynur (Garðarsbraut 44)
Wednesday 24.July
Thursday 25. July
GARDEN CONCERTS – each color district has it’s own garden concert where people gather
19.30 Orange District – Sólbrekka 7
19.30 Pink District – corner Uppsalavegur/Baughóll
20.30 Green District – Garðarsbraut 39
20:30 CANDY DAYS CELEBRATION FOR SENIOR CITIZENS at Hlynur (Garðarsbraut 44) with waffles, songs and entertainment
22:00 MÚGISON at restaurant Gamli Baukur (Hafnarstétt 9), tickets available at www.mugison.com
Friday 26.July
14:00 BEACH VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT at the Museum House (Stórigarður 17), registration at katring (at) hsn.is or 868 3839 postponed to Sunday!
16-18:00 VERNISSAGE GELLUR SEM MÁLA Í BÍLSKÚR at the Museum House (Stórigarður 17)
17-23:00 FAIR AT THE HARBOR with bouncing castles, carousel, food and much more
17-17:30 FORMAL OPENING OF THE BIRD OBSERVATION HUT at Kaldbakstjörn Lakes (south of town), recommended to bring binoculars
18:00 BOTNSVATNSHLAUP RUN registration at hlaup.is, more details here
19:15 FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT Völsungur meets Hamrar at the football field
GATHERING OF EACH COLOR DISTRICT, every district meets in their area, dressed and decorated int heir color to prepare the march to the harbour
18:00 Pink District – gathering at Stórhóli 49-55 with soup and bread, 1.000ISK per person/ free for children
18:30 Orange District – gathering at playground in Höfðavegur
19:00 Green District – gathering in the park
20-22:30 hours OPENING CELEBRATION OF THE CANDY DAYS- each district marches dressed and decorated in their colors to the harbor where the “colors mix” and everybody comes together
– opening speech by major Kristján Þór
– songs at the quay, Biggi Sævars conducts the masses where everybody joins in to sing
– Plútó
– dance at the quay, Bylgja Steingrímsdóttir and Elvar Bragason will keep the crowd moving
21:00 JURY JUDGES RAMS FROM LOCAL BREEDERS next to the Whale Museum (Hafnarstétt 1)
22:00 MALE CHOIR HREIMUR performs at Restaurant Naustið (Ásgarðsvagur 1)
23-03:00 LIVE MUSIC at Gamli Baukur by FRIMANN KOKKUR THE CHIEF (Hafnarstétt 9)
23-03:00 HLÖÐUBALL BARN DANCE WITH BIGGI SÆVARS AND GRETA SALÓME more info about tickets and shuttle buses here
Saturday 27. July
11:00 KIDS RUN sponsored by Íslandsbanki and Völsungur, no admission fee, for children of ten years and younger, everybody will be awarded, start at Íslandsbanki (Stórigarði 1)
12:30 THEATER GROUP LOTTA PERFORMS “LITTLE MERMAID”, theater for kids in the park (Brávellir) 2.500 ISK, free for children younger than two years
12-00:00 FAIR AT THE HARBOR with bouncing castles, carousel, food and much more
13-16:30 CANDY DAYS MARKET at the harbor
13-14:00 FOAM-SLIDE FOR KIDS behind the swimming pool (Laugarbrekka 2), sponsored by the local firefighters and Húsasmiðjan
13-18:00 PHOTO EXHIBITION “WOMEN AT WORK IN THE LAST CENTURY” at labor union Framsýn (Garðarsbraut 26), coffee and refreshments
13:00 LIVE PERFORMANCE BY ÁGÚST ÞÓR AND ALEXANDRA at restaurant Salka (Garðarsbraut 6)
14:00 SLUT WALK more info here
14:00 FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT Völsungur meets Kári
14:00 OLD-TIMER AND MOTORBIKE EXHIBITION next to gas station N1 (Héðinsbraut 2)
14:30-16:30 CHILDREN’S PARTY AT THE HARBOR sponsored by Landsbankinn and N1
– Greta Salóme
– Tónasmiðjan & guests
– Magician Bjarni Töframaður
– Villi the Scientist
14-18:00 FORTUNE TELLER SUNNA ÁRNADÓTTIR READS THE CARDS AND TEA LEAVES at bookstore Penninn (Garðarsbraut 9), 2.500ISK, registration in the book store
15:00 LIVE PERFORMANCE BY RÚNAR EFF at restaurant Salka (Garðarsbraut 6)
16:15 FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT Völsungur meets Njarðvík
17:00 ZUMBA WITH JOHANNA at the swimming pool (Laugarbrekka 2)
17:16-18:19 EFF… RÁBÆRT PARTÝ in Fosshótel (Ketilsbraut 22)
20-00:00 CANDY DAYS CONCERT sponsored by Faktabygg, Gamli Baukur and PCC BakkiSilicon
Duet Natalia Piorunek and Elvar Braga
Einar Óli & Band
Greta Salóme
Herra Hnetusmjör
Biggi Sævars & Band
23-03:00 DJ HENNRY at restaurant Gamli Baukur (Hafnarstétt 9)
00:00 HOURS FIREWORKS AT THE HARBOR sponsored by Framsýn, Gentle Giants Whale-Watching and PwC
Sky lanterns will be released into the midnight sky, magical moments for friends and families. Environmental friendly lanterns are for sale Saturday evening at the main stage, 500 ISK/piece.
Sunday 29. July
11-12 CANDY WALK all around town
The kids walk around town and collect candies from all houses marked with a white ribbon. All inhabitants are welcomed to join, have candy ready at hand for the kids and decorate their house with a white ribbon.
14:00 BEACH VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT at the Museum House (Stórigarður 17), registration at katring (at) hsn.is or 868 3839