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Diamond Circle Tour

The Diamond Circle can be described as a magnificent circuit of about 260km in the Northeast of Iceland, which includes some of the most stunning sights and of the most scenic landscapes in the whole country.

Húsavík is the main town and the obvious starting and ending point of the Diamond Circle. It is worldwide famous for its great whale-watching but there are several other good attractions and reasons for coming here, to one of the most charming town of Iceland, that also makes it an excellent base to explore the Diamond.

Námafjall geothermal area is also known as Hverir © Bruce McAdam
Námafjall geothermal area is also known as Hverir © Bruce McAdam

Among the other most known highlights of the circuit a special mention goes to a few places: the gigantic horseshoe-shaped canyon of Ásbyrgi; the astonishing valley of Vesturdalur with the bizarre rock formations of Hljóðaklettar; the mighty and striking Dettifoss waterfall; the otherworldly volcanic fields of Krafla until the geothermal area of Hverir; the amazing lake Mývatn and its surrounding nature bath of Jarðböðin and lava field of Dimmuborgir; the turf farm Grenjaðarstaður, the elegant yet dramatic Goðafoss waterfall. Some of these sites are part of the Vatnajökull National Park, which has been approved as UNESCO world heritage site in 2019.

But the Diamond Circle is even more. Just out of the most beaten track some hidden corners and forgotten spaces are as surprising as the most famous ones: from the sparkling Skjálfandi bay to the beautiful Tjörnes peninsula, from the east side with the lush valley of Hólmatungur to the less know location around Mývatn lake such as the dark Hverfjall and the turquoise pool of Grjótagjá, from the little visited west side with several inviting places to some little known yet striking areas of lava and ice.

The Diamond Circle truly is not only a circuit of 260km. It is the chance for an epic and unforgettable adventure that is already waiting for you.

Are you ready for it?

This sign will guide your way along the Diamond Circle. See for more information.

Tour Options

Here are suggestions for day trip starting from Húsavík to explore the Diamond Circle:

Day Trip 1: Whales, Húsavík and the Ocean
Day Trip 3: Gems of Jökulsárljúfur Canyon
Day Trip 4: Diamond Circle
Day Trip 5: Highlights of Mývatn
Day Trip 6: Time-Travel and Waterfalls